Tokyo Drift... Han out to impress.

But it's no girls today...

Luko is driving the Fortune RX7, RSG in the GT-R and I set about ripping some.

I loaded up my server with my beloved Shuto C1. Brings back all the memories.
First we ripped past Tokyo tower. 5th gear FTW!

This section gets fast but they are lovely corners past Shibakoen and Daimon.

Might as well pull full laps. takes about 3 minutes @ 200+.

Heading down to Ginza.

fly past Tsukiji and HamaRikyu gardens Just like the movie... where the blue GT-R blasts past

Complete the lap in style.

And a few laps later.

Time to park up... Oops... DK...! aka ArynzSlider

But it was DK that did the running... RSG... in the GT-R out ranking DK... haha

Get it!

This takes practice at high speed.

Soo good. Big Power , Big Speed, Big Risk, Bog CRASHES!

Other pics from today... Luko and RSG.

RSG in the Z... in these pics
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